Day 1....I told you it was going to be tiring.

photos by Colin Anderson and Caleb Brown
Seeing the city at breakneck speed is our speciality. We landed on time at the Newark Airport, and after gathering the luggage for 61 people, and enough Starbucks to fuel a small nation, we headed into the City via the Lincoln Tunnel. We had breakfast at various eateries around Time Square, then head south to the Empire State Building for a viewing of Gotham. Once finished there, we headed to the south end of Manhattan, were we visited Ground Zero, ate lunch, and visited St. Paul’s Church. At that point a little more than half of the class walked across the bridge, while a few returned to the hotel for some much needed rest.
Dinner at Dallas BBQ, and a subway ride back to Time Square (We had many subway rides today…), and it was back to our hotel for some sleep before starting Day 2. Which should include the CBS morning show (please record it if you get a chance), a tour with a step on guide, a trip to the Met, dinner in Time Square, and Phantom of the Opera.
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