Day 2....Beyond busy

Official Pictures From CBS News....the access code is CBS449...lots of pictures of the students.
Another very busy day. We left the Hotel at 7:20, for a 14 block walk uptown to take part in The Early Show at CBS. We then met our step-on guides at 49th and Broadway. The group is of course on two buses…one group got Tony Jackson, a graduate of Inglewood High in LA, and he lead us on an eating tour of the city. Two dogs and a juice at Gray’s Papaya Dogs, then a tour of Central Park (the most extensive I have had yet. Then we took the bus uptown, getting the rapid tour of the upper west side, then back on the subway for a jaunt to Joe’s Pizza in the Village….then it was off to Jacuqes Torres Chocolate Haven. The other bus apparently got a lesson in famine in NYC…since they arrived at the Met hungry.
They ate, and we all went through the museum. After the museum it was back downtown for dinner at Applebee’s….then off to the show. Phantom was of course wonderful…..
Photos by Dani Patag
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