Free Day....

Whew…another breakneck day. The day started with a boat ride to Liberty Island and Ellis Island, and then it was off on the scheduled free day. For my group that meant a failed attempt to get dessert at the River Café in Brooklyn (long, slightly aggravating story), but we had ice cream at an adjacent shop, so it worked out….then it was off to the village where we took the members of the famine bus on a replay of Tuesday’s eats, so we ate more Papaya Dogs (never a bad thing), headed back to Joe’s (Where the students shared the restaurant (which is not very large) with Richard Gere and his wife, who were also enjoying a slice. After that it was up to Penn Station and a trip to Modell’s, where we acquired some nice apparel and some supplies for some ball playing in Central Park. We took the F train to 57th and 6th, and started toward the park. Alex utilized the facilities at the Ritz Carlton on Central Park South, then we went to the Sheep’s Meadow to play ball (where we found out it was okay to play catch or pickle…but not hit our waffle ball…). We visited FAO Schwarz, then the young men in the group took carriage rides with their Moms, and then it was off to dinner at Mickey Mantle’s Restaurant (great place to eat dinner and watch the Yankee game. Back to Time Square, and then back to the hotel. We head out to DC in the morning.
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