Details are finalizing

The dates for our trip have been locked in as May 8-15, and we will very likely leave Ontario late on the 7th, taking the redeye into NYC (likely to LaGuardia). We have strongly requested The Phantom of the Opera as our Broadway show, and our choice of tour director has been finalized.

Cost Update
We are at the moment a victim of our own success...we currently have 52 people registered to travel, which if nothing changes would mean our price would automatically rise $40 per person (price increase is due to the need for a second bus to take us from the airport to the hotel, an extra security guard, and an extra tour director...which I am negotiating with them on). If we can reach a total number of 60, the $40 dollar increase will if you are planning to go, please register soon at EF Tours...if you need the trip number, just email me.
Mr. Lockwood