Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Lexi's Moment

I never really had a FAVORITE moment in New York or D.C. because I loved the whole entire trip. But one of my favorite moments was in Washington. When we first walked into the hotel, Erny had told us that we had around 20 minutes to look around while they were preparing our rooms. My mom and I decided to go to Starbucks and get a coffee for the day, and i got a Caramel Frappaciano. After we bought our coffee we returned to the lobby where everyone was waiting to get their keys and go to their rooms. My mom and I were waiting next to the elevators, talking to Diana, Renee', Stephanie, and Anna; drinking our Starbucks. We were having a good time, then got our keys and were waiting for an elevator. Finally, one had come down, so i ran to get it, but struggled because I was loaded down with so much luggage and bags!! I had my suitcase,carry-on, starbucks drink,and shopping bags, along with ! my mother's demon pocessed carry-on!! So i was running to get the elevator, but tried to stop it with my foot and was unsuccessful; so i turned around to return to the circle we were standing in and when I started walking i tripped over my mom's carry-on that i was rolling. I fell with everything in my hands, including the Starbucks drink I had bought. When i fell, my face didn't hit the ground, but it hit the Starbucks I had bought?!?!?! With everyone in the lobby, except for a small group that had gone up earlier consisting of: Vanessa,Ashton,Darleen,Lori,Amber,Katie,and Andrew, I was laying on the ground, CRACKING up...with everyone else in the lobby staring at me, constantly asking me if I was alright, and i was, except for the humiliation. But Hayden, while still laughing, gave me his hand and helped me up. THANKS HAYDEN!! And i look over at the elevator next to me, and there sits Bryce,Everett,Dominic,and Tyler G. ALL laughing at me... :( But I di! dnt care because i was laughin soo hard too. I WAS SOOO EMBARRASED!! : )

Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day

The President will be laying a wreath at Arlington

Rolling Thunder will conclude their ride at The Wall America remembers those who have fallen in the service of our country.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Amber’s Favorite Moment in NY/DC

My favorite time on the whole NY/DC trip was when Me, Ashton, Katie, Ashton’s Mom, Vanessa, Vanessa’s Mom, Mrs. Redix (Dominic’s Mom), Bryan, and Collin all went to the Hard Rock Cafe in D.C. It was our free day, but we spent most of the day looking at famous monuments with Mrs. Patag and her group. Desperately, Ashton, me, Katie, Nessa, Nessa’s mom, and Ashton’s mom wanted to go shopping and go eat. So after seeing the Vietnam Memorial Wall, we decided to break off from the group and go out and venture in the city for some serious shopping and grubbin. So as we were leaving, we invited Mrs.Redix to go with us, and Mrs.Patag asked us if we could take Collin and Bryan with us. We searched around the city for someplace to eat first, and walked a whole lot. We finally found a good place to eat, the Hard Rock Cafe. As we all walked in, instantly there was loud music blasting off the walls, and when you walked in, to your left, there was a bar. Well I didn't notice at first, but Ashton’s Mom came to me and Katie saying “You guys, this guys toupee (wig) just came off!” Me and Katie instantly look over to where she was pointing and saw him. It was sooooooooo hilarious!! I couldn't tell at first if he was drunk or not, but it became clear within the next five minutes. Unfortunately, for the strange guy, the back of his head was faced towards the entry, so whenever someone walked in, they would automatically see the back of his head, hairless, wig on the ground, and there was this sticky glue I guess all over his head to keep the wig on. But it was funny, because he was totally drunk, and breaking out these WEIRD dance moves, and was just totally in a different world. So he was making a fool of himself, clearly. We all got seated, and it turns out it was a day after Katie’s birthday, and the day before Bryan's birthday, so we asked the waiter if they could announce it. So later, after our meal, they took both Kt and Bryan to the center of the room and this girl who was really, really, really, loud announced it, and they got a free sundae. For dessert, me and Ashton split a Brownie sundae, which was delicious, must I add. And after our Hard Rock Cafe experience, we shopped a little, and successfully found our way back to the hotel safely. It was an f-u-n day!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
...and submitted for your reading pleasure.
Kt's FaVoRiTe MoMeNt
my favorite moment was the free day in new york!!!! me, amber, vanessa, ashton, vanessa's mom, and ashton's mom,all went SHOPPING around time square! we did a lot of shopping that day including StRaWbErRyS and MaCy'S and SePhOrA.... then after some shopping nessa and her mom went off to tiffany's and then later that night the game! meanwhile it was me, amber, ashton, and her mom shopping! we went to a lot of stores!but most of the day we just saw a lot of what was in Time Square! it was really fun until we went out to dinner that night and ashton and amber got sick! the good news was that they felt better really fast soo we all went out to time square again! we went to this restaurant and when we were coming out, this old couple was dancing to GRILLZ!!! Amber asked to take a picture with them and the guy did something really funny! (had to be there)then we got New York CHEESECAKE and brought it back to the hotel to eat! it was really GOOD! then we watched PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!for the thousandth time (thanks to amber! lol) and then went to sleep!
There was a lot of good times in the hotel rooms at new york and washington! but mostly washington! WINK WINK!!!
my favorite moment was the free day in new york!!!! me, amber, vanessa, ashton, vanessa's mom, and ashton's mom,all went SHOPPING around time square! we did a lot of shopping that day including StRaWbErRyS and MaCy'S and SePhOrA.... then after some shopping nessa and her mom went off to tiffany's and then later that night the game! meanwhile it was me, amber, ashton, and her mom shopping! we went to a lot of stores!but most of the day we just saw a lot of what was in Time Square! it was really fun until we went out to dinner that night and ashton and amber got sick! the good news was that they felt better really fast soo we all went out to time square again! we went to this restaurant and when we were coming out, this old couple was dancing to GRILLZ!!! Amber asked to take a picture with them and the guy did something really funny! (had to be there)then we got New York CHEESECAKE and brought it back to the hotel to eat! it was really GOOD! then we watched PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!for the thousandth time (thanks to amber! lol) and then went to sleep!
There was a lot of good times in the hotel rooms at new york and washington! but mostly washington! WINK WINK!!!