Ashton's Moment

On our free day night in New York, my mom, Katie, Amber, and I all went down to Time Square to shop and look around. We went into the Planet Hollywood restaurant and looked at their clothes and stuff. By the way, the restrooms there are really cool, they have this lady in there that puts soap on your hands and gives you a paper towel and they set out free make up and fragrance. Well, anyway, we all went down to the front of the store where the song "Grillz" was blasting out of the speakers all of the employees were dancing and singing along and then off the street comes this really old lady and this old man and they start dancing (canes and all) to the music.) The old man was the main one busting his moves. Amber says to us "Aww they are so cute! I want to take a picture with him!!" By this time the man has taken off leaving his poor little wife in the dust. We call out to his wife and ask her what her husbands name is and she says its Vern. Amber is determined to get this picture so we all call out "Vern, Vern!!" He finally stops when we realize to our horror that the guy is out of his mind or on drugs (that seem possible since he was like 90) but needless to say he was a little coo-coo in the head. Amber stands next to him and his wife as he speaks gibberish and grabs her waist and does not seem to understand why Katie has pointed a camera at him! We are doubled over in laughter as we yell many times "Take a picture!" and "Smile at the camera!" finally he seems to get it as Katie counts him down, "One, Two, Three, Smile!" He lets out the strangest sound that sounded like this "eeeeeeeee!!!" And gives such a weird grin and stands on his tip-toes." We say thank you and begin to walk away as he yells, "You send me picture!" chasing us down the street we finally loose him and start cracking up. Too bad Ambers camera isnt digital because I would love to see that picture!! I hope she develops them soon!
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